Why would anyone vote for Biden?

The fact that Joe Biden is running for a second term is indicative of the hubris he exhibits in the muddled world of left-wing political orthodoxy.

Let’s look at some of the damage he has done since he took the oath of office on January 20, 2021.  He dismantled the border security policies that President Trump put in place and ended the border wall construction.  We now have about 9 million more illegal aliens disseminated across our country.  We haven’t even begun to feel the existential pain of that invasion.

Under Trump’s leadership, in 2018, the U.S. surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia to become the world’s largest producer of crude oil.  On Biden’s first day in office, he shut down the Keystone XL pipeline, eliminating 11,000 well-paying jobs, and handed energy supremacy to our foreign enemies.

Trump successfully appointed three conservative Supreme Court justices, opening the door to the decision on June 24, 2022 that overturned Roe v. Wade.  In addition, during his presidency, Trump ordered a halt to U.S. tax money going to international organizations that fund or perform abortions.

Violent crime fell every year that Trump was in office, after rising during the two years before him, when Obama was in office.

Moreover, when Trump was chief executive, we were not involved in two foreign wars, with a third on the horizon if China invades Taiwan.

Then there are the bread-and-butter issues of inflation and unemployment.  With Trump, the median household income hit the highest level ever recorded.  That was quickly diminished under Biden’s policies.  I don’t even have to mention the huge price increases at our local supermarkets since Biden nearly destroyed our economy.

Now let’s look at the unemployment rate under President Trump.  African-American unemployment was at an all-time low.  Same with Hispanic-Americans and Asian-Americans.  Furthermore, women’s unemployment was at a 65-year low, and youth unemployment at a 50-year low.  In fact, our country was enjoying the lowest unemployment rate ever recorded.

There’s a myriad of other problems facing our country since Biden and his cartel of Deep State operatives grabbed control of the reins of power.  If Biden were the CEO of a major company and had drastically reduced the establishment’s position in the corporate world, not only would he not have the audacity to expect re-election, but he’d certainly be given the boot before he could do any more harm.  

Therefore, with all of the above as his record of performance in office, why would anyone vote to give Biden another four years?  Let’s examine the types of people who would pull the lever for him in November.

If you are on the public dole and looking for more government largesse, you’d vote for him.  If you’re a college student with a significant loan outstanding, you’d probably want Biden to force taxpayers to handle it for you.  If you’re a member of a street gang known as Black Thugs Matter, or Antifa, you’ll vote for the guy who condones all of your riots, burnings, and lootings of cities whenever a white cop enforces the law against violent blacks who resist arrest, resulting in their serious injury or death — that is, unless the cop is the one killed.

Whom else can Biden count on to help re-elect him?  Those pro-abortion activists who want women to have the right to kill the fetus in the womb, or even after birth, if she decides at the last minute that she doesn’t want the inconvenience of raising a child.  The fact that Trump believes that abortion should be allowed in cases involving rape, incest, or the health of the mother isn’t nearly enough for those who want the power of life and death over those innocent and vulnerable human beings.  Sadly, there are women who feel “empowered” because they can end those precious lives.

On the other hand, people who will vote for Trump are those who are repulsed by Biden and his Homeland Security secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, both of whom look into the cameras and tell Americans that the border is secure, even as we watch countless videos of millions of illegals blithely streaming into our country, while contemptuously giving us the middle finger.  Other Trump voters will include law-abiding citizens who want the freedom to walk the streets of their cities without being terrorized by predators who feel confident that cops have been neutralized by liberal mayors.  Has anyone ever heard Biden criticize those mayors for their ineptitude?

It seems to me that Donald Trump has earned a second term, even if it’s only because of the disastrous term of Joe Biden.  What comes to mind is the question asked by Ronald Reagan in 1980, after the country barely survived four years of Jimmy Carter.  “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?”  Voters answered that question with a resounding “no!”

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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