Does William Barr Have the Guts?

When asked if William Barr has the guts to do what needs to be done, a semi-famous conservative Twitter pundit answered that Barr has the guts, but what he lacks is prosecutable crimes. Wait, what? If this seems like utter nonsense to you, you are not alone.  It is nonsense until you consider that successful prosecution also requires an unbiased jury willing to convict.  The point might have been that Barr lacks a D.C. jury pool that would be eager to impugn swamp creatures with the same zeal demonstrated for the prosecution of Roger Stone.  This is a particularly tough pill to swallow for the sober masses who are watching our nation be systematically imperiled by Democrats and the media. The recent I.G. report on FISA abuse was just another in a very long line of disappointing indicators that equal justice may never be restored to our nation.  But just when you are ready to sell the house and move to mountains of Utah, William Barr...(Read Full Article)
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