Can the Union Endure?

At this point, Red and Blue America are not even speaking the same language.  We stand near the point of what divorce lawyers term “irreconcilable differences.”  In increasingly strident and self-assured tones, the Left believes it is morally superior, intellectually untouchable, and wholly justified in pursuing whatever extralegal, corrupt, or violent methods available to implement their ideology. Talk of a breaking point has been circling conservative circles for some time, with three tangible options arising from the chatter:  1) continued focus on barely winning elections, appointing "conservative" judges that uphold Obamacare, keeping Arizona from going blue, etc.; 2) a “divorce” of sorts that peaceably divides the United States into permanent blue and red territories, or; 3) civil war. The first option clearly is the best. It is the least disruptive and preserves the Union and the Constitution, the goal that...(Read Full Article)
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