Do Democrats really care about election integrity?

What does "election integrity" actually mean to Democrats?  A perspective is provided by the Democrat-sponsored "For the People Act" (H.R.1 in the current Congress), a dreadfully misnamed legislative mess that purports to improve election integrity and transparency.  Some of its features are: • Mandates automatic, universal voter registration, and makes it a crime to interfere with registration • Allows voter registration at age 16 • Mandates early voting of at least 15 days and requires paper ballots • Restricts and impedes routine voter roll maintenance • Prescribes strict rules for redistricting and authorizes court takeover of redistricting • Regulates digital political advertising outright, and restricts corporate political engagement • Requires disclosure of donors by Super PACs and so-called "dark money" groups • Requires presidential candidates and incumbents to release 10...(Read Full Article)
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