Happiness, Thy Name is National School Choice Week

The 10th annual National School Choice Week (NSCW) will kick off January 26 with some 25,000 schools participating in a mind-boggling 51,300 independently organized events encompassing all 50 states. The growth of this event serves as an indicator of the rising American interest in families having as free a choice among schools as they have when they pick out a pair of shoes at the mall. Good fits are essential. By contrast, in 2011, Year One, there were just 150 rallies and other activities. By 2013, 3,059 schools were participating in NSCW. Growth burgeoned during the rest of the 2010s, resulting in recent speculation that we may be at the dawn of the Roaring Twenties for school choice. At the center of these diverse celebrations of educational choice in K-12 schools are students dancing to the year’s official song (“Best Day” by Loomin for 2020) while wearing and vigorously waving the week’s signature yellow scarves. When watching these youthful...(Read Full Article)
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