Millennials Offended by Suggestion They Work Weekends

Individual tweets rarely deserve article-length analyses.  In our social media–addled age, blithely drafted tweets too often lead to unforgiving shaming campaigns, which result, not infrequently, in ruined careers.  But, once in a while, a 280-character-or-fewer remark actually accomplishes the Pollyannaish wishes of Silicon Valley techies: it provokes thought, sparks debate, inspires afflatus, and makes us consider the important things in life. A tweet from a cryptocurrency enthusiast named Ryan Selkis was roundly reviled by critics who are almost certainly leftists by persuasion. "If you don't work nights and weekends in your 20s, you're not going to have a successful career.  Sorry," Selkis wrote in response to Jason Fried, CEO of the business management platform Basecamp, who called weekend work a sign of brokenness within a company. Selkis's sentiment was not taken constructively, to put it mildly, by the young...(Read Full Article)
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