Rise of the Democrat 'But' Warriors

This past week saw the rise of the Democrat "but" warriors.  Every viable remaining presidential candidate, with the exception of Bernie Sanders, included an identical sentence construct in response to President Donald Trump's decision to erase the world's worst terrorist leader.  When "but" is employed in a sentence, particularly a political one, the wise course of action is to pay little heed to what came before it.  The writer's true feelings are reflected in what follows, even if he is not quite bold enough not to include a caveat.  A few examples, focusing only on what came after that key word, illustrate this point: Joe Biden: "... this action almost certainly will have the opposite effect (of deterring future attacks).  President Trump just tossed a stick of dynamite into a tinderbox, and he owes the American people an explanation[.]" Pete Buttigieg: "... there are serious...(Read Full Article)
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