The Decline and Fall of the Black American Church

In the old days, freed slaves were offered 40 acres and a mule if they voted Republican.  They never got their acres or mules, but the Republican Party held a lock on black voters for many decades. In the modern era, beginning with Lyndon Johnson, black voters were similarly wooed with the false promises of the Great Society.  As a result, it was next the Democratic Party that got a lock on black votes — but with that came a required commitment to the party's entire agenda.  This was so, no matter how far that agenda transgressed the limits of traditional Christian morality and faith. Thereafter, by a wide margin, modern black voters (more than 90% in most cases) found themselves backing abortion, gay rights, the removal of religion from public life, and massive welfare programs that resulted in the destruction of the black family.  If the Episcopal Church could once have been called the Republican Party at prayer, the black...(Read Full Article)
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