The Democrats and Socialist Contradiction

When is a socialist not a socialist?  When he or she is a Democrat. Many people are perplexed that in the middle of one of the greatest economic periods in our nation’s history, the longest economic expansion on record, at a time when more people are doing well than ever before, so many people appear have such an attraction to what they call socialism.  Many were shocked when a Gallup poll earlier this year found that 43 percent of Americans believe socialism would be a good thing for America and a later Pew Poll found 42 percent of Americans expressed a positive view of socialism. The Gallup poll was an attitude survey exploring how American’s attitudes toward socialism have changed over the years.  The Gallup survey indicated that American’s definition of Socialism has changed.  Today, nearly a quarter of Americans associate socialism with social equality and only 17 percent associate it with the classical economic definition of...(Read Full Article)
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