The Sky Is Falling

Once upon a time a falling acorn hit Chicken Little on the head.  This startled the bird so much that she immediately embarked upon a crusade to spread the news that the sky was falling.  When I was a child this is where the story ended, with the amusing spectacle of the residents of the barnyard hysterically dashing about bemoaning their fate.  It wasn’t until years that I heard the traditional ending.  A character named Foxy Loxy offered to shelter the panicked livestock from the collapsing sky in his den.  Then Foxy Loxy enjoyed a hearty meal. Presumably the disturbing end of the story was omitted to spare my innocent young psyche.  From what I’ve read this story is at least twenty-five hundred years old, and our ancestors couldn’t afford the luxury of such coddling.  The tales told children back then were to prepare them to deal with the real world, and the real people in it.  There are actually two morals to the story...(Read Full Article)
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