Useful Idiots on the Right: The Never Trumpers

One could perhaps have excused them their earlier indiscretions of November 2016.  He was, after all, an unknown quantity, an outsider of questionable conservative pedigree.  Indeed, Donald Trump had been a fairly typical New York liberal Democrat for much of his life.  And he had led a less than stellar moral life.  And so the pile-on at the time by National Review and others could perhaps have been forgiven, although not really, when one considered the alternative.  As I had written at the time: Do we not grow weary of the sanctimonious ones?  The Never Trumpers that endlessly hector and scold, and hold themselves up as paragons of moral virtue? They display their good taste by showing contempt for Trump and his supporters.  Some of them claim they will vote down ballot, skipping the Presidential slot, or vote for Evan what’s his name (McMullin).  Some will write in a candidate or go Libertarian, neither of who will have any chance...(Read Full Article)
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