Why Trump’s Impeachment is Effectively Unconstitutional

If you peruse the mainstream media, there are all sorts of reasons being bruited justifying the Democrat demand to call witnesses at President Trump’s impeachment trial.  Generally speaking, they sound quite reasonable; after all, trials almost always have witnesses.  But it is not only that the constitutional process of impeachment and Senate trial is not judicial (as opposed to using judicial process as a model) it’s that an impeachment such as we have today was plainly not envisioned by the Constitution’s drafters.  To start, let’s review the pro-witness case, which has two basic elements.  First, impeachment and trial are evidentiary hearings.  If you look to the judicial model of indictment and trial, upon which Congressional impeachment proceedings appear to be based, then it is reasonable to expect witnesses to testify at both.  Just because a prosecutor calls witnesses at a grand jury proceeding, doesn’t mean...(Read Full Article)
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