The LAT slams France, endorses markets!


It looks like the Los Angeles Times really is turning over a new leaf, with all the recent staff changes. Good—bye, Robert Scheer, hello Jonah Goldberg. Today, it scathingly criticizes France for blocking further trade liberalization for agricultural products in an editorial  sharply titled 'So much for alité.'

The Times is absolutely correct in all the points it makes. Although the US does not have clean hands when it comes to agricultural protectionism, the EU, led by France, is much worse, and France stands as the major obstacle to enabling poor countries to sell their agricultural products to the developed world on a more favorable basis. Market access brings prosperity. That's a lesson we like to see trumpeted by major newspapers.

France plays a pivotal role in EU trade policy. It likes to think of itself as a champion of the developing world, but its posture in these trade talks belies that claim and is a moral stain on the nation.

Hat tip: Ed Lasky

Thomas Lifson 12 12 05