She's Running Against... (a poem)

She's running against old Scranton Joe,

Whose blue-collar pedigree we all know,

Because mainstream media says it's true,

Though facts don't quite support that view.

Joe says himself he's middle class,

But the MSM considers that crass;

Middle Class? That's so demeaning,

Got to be blue collar, leftist leaning.

She's running against a rock-hard bias,

Of Mainstream Media, oh so pious,

Who ignored John Edwards secret screwing,

But pounce upon a teen's wrongdoing.

A double standard? Oh you bet,

But folks you ain't seen nothing yet;

These vultures we know will not pause,

To destroy this girl for their liberal cause.

She's running against a dubious deal,

Dealt by our media so surreal,

The one's should keep us all informed,

So twisted now, by hate malformed.

No longer do we get the news,

But extreme opinions, liberal views.

With hateful words, a teen they've trussed,

While Edward's sins are undiscussed.

She's running against the New York Times,

Godmother of journalistic crimes.

She's conservative, so she doesn't fit?

Be ready for their murderous hit.

If they don't get her, she's still toast,

For a backstab hit by the Washington Post;

And if they can't kill her with their slimes,

There's the West Coast hitters, the L.A. Times.

She's running against some heavy odds, some think she's not up to it,

I think she's favored by the gods, and the libs are about to screw it.

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