Neglecting the Military Vote and Voter Fraud

Starting yesterday, the McCain camp is already on the offense and suing in Virginia over military ballots.  Problems with validating military ballots aren't new:  

In a victory for Republican George W. Bush, a U.S. district judge yesterday ordered all Florida counties to reexamine discarded military absentee ballots and to count them in final vote totals if they were properly signed and dated.

Some kind of ballot problem is always expected, and always occurs to satisfy the expectation.  Voter fraud is also dealt with in every Presidential election.  But the real problem is we've gotten use to it. 

Election fraud is the norm is now, and worse -- it's expected.  It's the usual perpetrators, such as ACORN.  But the suspects never rounded up.  The eternal Tammany Hall effect continues to roll on into the 21st century. 

It's going to be a rough night.
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