Rezko is spilling the beans to Fitzgerald

This is not necessarily a shocker because the Chicago Trib reported back in October that Rezko was singing in exchange for a lighter sentence on his 18 count fraud conviction.

But wouldn't you have wanted to be a fly on the wall in the prosecutor's office when Obama's good friend and patron was asked about the former senator and Blagojevich advisor, now president elect?

As the Washington Post article tries desperately to make clear, Fitzgerald has not investigated Obama for anything - yet:

A footnote to the 76-page criminal complaint and affidavit charging Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D) with soliciting bribes confirms what has long been rumored -- that a former longtime friend and fundraiser for President-elect  Barack Obama is talking to federal prosecutors in hopes of a reduced sentence.

Antoin "Tony" Rezko's offer to provide authorities with evidence of others' wrongdoing is "not complete," and prosecutors are working to corroborate the claims he has made so far, the footnote said.

Rezko, a 53-year-old developer, was convicted in June of 16 criminal counts, including fraud, money laundering and abetting bribery. He is in custody awaiting sentencing.

Prosecutors depicted Rezko at trial as a fixer for Blagojevich and the man to see to secure a high-level appointment with the governor's administration. Rezko had been a longtime fundraiser for Blagojevich and other Illinois politicians, including Obama.

Reading that you'd think Obama barely knew the guy rather than the fact that Obama considered Rezko a close friend, a patron, and the major financier of his state senate campaigns.

It gets weirder:

There's no reference in the complaint to any conversations involving the president-elect or indicating that the president-elect was aware of it. And that's all I can say."

Legal experts said it was unusual for a prosecutor to make such a blanket statement while an investigation was continuing.

"That carries a great deal of weight," said Jan Witold Baran, a Washington lawyer who represents politicians on ethical complaints and campaign finance matters. "It is really unusual for a U.S. attorney to say someone is not implicated.

"Could evidence pop up in the future to the contrary? Sure, it's possible. Is it likely? I think that, based on what he said yesterday, the answer is no," Baran added.

Well, that's rather hopeful, isn't it? Especially since later on the article makes clear that Rezko is not finished talking. We don't know what questions Fitzy asked Rezko - if any - about Obama and his dealings with him in the past. All we know is that Obama has not been implicated in the Blago blow up. 

Rezko may be holding back his best stuff in order to get the prosecutor to lean on the state to drop investigations into other illegal activities relating to his businesses as well as defrauding the city of millions of dollars relating to his rehab business. Suffice it to say we have not heard the end of Mr. Rezko. He has a lot of tales to tell about a host of illegalities which means a lot of Illinois pols are sweating, knowing that he still has a few songs left before the grand finale.

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