Facebook's undeclared war on Israel

I call shame on Facebook. Why? Because they have blocked my page from posting on others pages, and have threatened to take my page down for being spammy and racist. A page that openly calls for the American right to free speech, and the boycott of CAIR.

First let's look at some facts according to the Facebook statistics page:

"Facebook is a social networking service and website launched in February 2004, operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. As of 2011, Facebook has more than 800 million active users, with more than 50% of active users logging on to Facebook on any given day. More than 900 million objects that people interact with (pages, groups, events and community pages) Average user is connected to 80 community pages, groups and events. On average, more than 250 million photos are uploaded per day. More than 70 languages are available on the site. More than 75% of users are outside of the United States. Over 300,000 users helped translate the site through the translations application.

"More than 350 million active users currently access Facebook through their mobile devices. More than 475 mobile operators globally work to deploy and promote Facebook mobile products."

Heavily annoyed, I thought I would look and see exactly how much open hatred flows throughout the many pages and groups of this cultural phenomenon.

Doing a general search of the term CAIR on FB revealed 33 English pages directly affiliated with their organization, and spreading their message of stopping Islamophobia. I found 3 (mine included) against the organization. Not too bad in my humble opinion, sowhere's the problem? Well, upon further searching I found the following:

If you search for the generic term "Israel" there were 1,243 results. 621 of these were anti Israel. And not just the standard I hate Israel either, I'm talking open pages calling for genocide. Some minor examples here, here, and here. On a search for the term "Zionism", it brought up 443 negative sites out of 490 results calling for its end.

And it must be noted, this was only searching in Arabic and English, which leaves over 68 available languages unchecked. All percentages aside, this is pretty disgusting. That rings out to be 63% of the 1,686 pages reviewed, were anti Israel.

Onto the other side of the coin, with completing a search of the simple terms Muslim, Islam, and anti-Islam, (this time just in English) I returned a total of 1,163 pages and groups, only 50 of those were critical of Islam, that's a whopping .04%. The majority of these pages are for calling for stopping Islamophobia, and preventing hatred towards Muslims. (And converting others to Islam of course)

In reality, this is the tip of the iceberg; antisemitism and racism are rampant on Facebook, and we all know that. If a day doesn't go by that I don't receive a death threat on there or my blog, well, a day just doesn't go by. While I am 100% for free speech, I am even more for stopping all this genocidal talk against a select group of humans, just because of their religion. Isn't it time for Facebook to take a good look at what they have on their site, or do they even care?

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