'Miss America's' Miss Alabama is 'terrified' of Trump's candidacy

Stop the press.

Meg McGuffin, who was a contestant on the Miss America pageant, is no fan of Donald Trump.

From TheHill.com:

‘I think Donald Trump is an entertainer and I think he says what’s on a lot of people’s minds,’ Miss Alabama Meg McGuffin told judge Taya Kyle after being asked to explain the real estate mogul’s ‘overwhelming’ lead in the polls.

‘But I think that the Republican Party should be absolutely terrified of all of the attention that he’s taking from incredible candidates like Jeb Bush and Chris Christie that could absolutely do the job of president of the United States,’ McGuffin continued. ‘And if I were a Republican I would be absolutely terrified of that.’

“And if I were a Republican”? I take it she’s not.  Fair enough.

She did compliment Jeb Bush and Chris Christie, which is far better than praising, say, Hillary Clinton.  Still, I don’t think there’s anything remotely terrifying about Trump’s candidacy and popularity.

Even worse than Miss Alabama’s stated opinion of Trump was the response Miss Tennessee (Hannah Robison) gave when asked about funding Planned Parenthood.

From LifeNews.com:

Robison replied: ‘I don’t think Planned Parenthood funding should be cut off. The $500 million dollars that gets given [sic] to Planned Parenthood every single year goes to female care. It goes for scanning for cancer. It goes for mammograms. And, if we don’t get that funding to Planned Parenthood those women will be out of health care for reproductive causes.’….

The truth is, Planned Parenthood does not provide mammograms or breast biopsies or ultrasounds.

“Reproductive causes” such as killing preborn children?  Ugh.

In fairness to Ms. Robison, there are many people who are misled by the pro-abortion propaganda pumped out by Planned Parenthood, the mainstream media, and the Democratic Party, which includes portraying the abortion giant as an organization dedicated to women’s health and well-being.

Another notable quote from the pageant: “Representing the Dairy State, come smell our dairy-air – I'm Miss Wisconsin.”

Yup, she actually said that.  A subtle insult directed toward Gov. Scott Walker on the part of the pageant’s producers, perhaps?

Finally, Miss Georgia (Betty Cantrell) – who was crowned Miss America – gave this response when asked about New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady and “DeflateGate”:

Did he cheat? Um, that’s a really good question. I’m not sure. I think I’d have to be there to see the ball and feel it and make sure it was deflated or not deflated. But if there was question there, then, yes, I think he cheated. If there was any question to be had, I think that he definitely cheated, and that he should have been suspended for that. That’s not fair.


Did I watch the pageant?  Only a few minutes of it.  I do like to look at attractive women; I’m no prude.

Plus I always enjoy a good laugh. 

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