Donald Trump vows to fight Big Media's 'Lies'

After announcing his boycott of Fox News because of “unfair” treatment, a " Trump is thin-skinned" talking point went out to ‘conservative’ and liberal press alike this past week. Charles C.W. Cooke, a writer at National Review, called Trump a "wuss and thin-skinned performance artist." On a 60 Minutes interview set to air tonight, CBS News anchor asks Trump, "Why so thin-skinned?" "I don't like lies…if people say things that are false I will fight harder than anybody," responded Trump.

All of this is meant to shut Trump up and make him go away. For now, it's having the opposite effect.  Perhaps, it’s because Trump is doing what no other politician has done in the last two presidential elections. In his own way, he is declaring war on a media complex responsible for pushing two RINO losers on the American people in 2008 and 2012.

The thought of another election being decided by what Trump calls "moron pundits," media tycoons and super PACS, has tens of thousands of people across the country showing up at Trump rallies and tens of millions tuning into the Republican debates.

Speaking in front of a large audience at the Oklahoma State Fair on Friday, Donald Trump showed no signs of backing down when it comes to Big Media.

At the 8:30 mark during his Oklahoma speech Trump demonstrates who's the boss when it comes to the press. As a response to the fourth estate's notorious reputation for distorting crowd size when it comes to conservative gatherings, the billionaire instructs those in the media covering the speech to “take the cameras off me and pan the crowd, pan it, and be honest." 

From youtube:

If this is whining and "thin-skinned," media shills might want to send out a new talking point. Not only did the camera operators reluctantly comply, Trump supporters loved it.

Trump promises to keep on being a fly in the ointment to corporate media types like Rupert Murdoch. Will the Fox News bigwig and others from biased news outlets be able to swat him away, or will hard-working, taxpaying, betrayed, angry Americans finally get a say in who we want to run for president?

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