Who Seeks the Truth?

Is your elected representative demanding that the State Department promptly release calendars of the past activities of the Secretary and also the prompt release of emails and other government communications?  These materials surely exist and could be provided post haste, but they are not.  Who is pushing the courts, who is providing the pressure to release the information from the government ostensibly operated “for and by the People”?

I know it is not my elected representatives.  And I dare ask, “Why not?”

The President and Congress should demand clarity.  They should order departments of the federal government to comply in prompt fashion to requests for the truth.

What is apparent is that the best efforts for truth discovery are coming from new sources.  Judicial Watch and Julian Assange seem to be the main seekers of truth, providers of truth in today’s convoluted political atmosphere.  How curious it all is.

Redaction and delay are the enemies of truth.  The nameless “authorities” that decide that  which could be provided immediately is somehow impossible to provide until much later are merely gamesmen.  Those same “authorities” decide what is blocked from view via redaction. Is this a truth discovery process or an exercise in reality distortion?

It seems more and more glaring that one side of the political spectrum demands to find out the truth, the other side cares not a bit.

Why does Obama still use executive privilege to hide Fast and Furious documents?

Why the false story on Benghazi and what is the truth?

Why the Comey decision and why no transcripts or testimony under oath from Hillary?

Why the declaration that all work related emails had been turned over to the FBI when in fact there are upwards of 14,000 clearly not surrendered?

Where are the transcripts from the Goldman Sachs Hillary speeches?  What was said? Promised?

Where is the complete list of Clinton Foundation donors from all avenues of donation  (Canadian foundation included)? 

What is the truth about Hillary’s health?

And to be fair, where are Trump’s tax returns?

People just want the truth.  But one side of the spectrum seems completely uninterested in pursuing what is true, why?  Where is their curiosity?

It is a peculiar condition when our nation, one of alleged representative government, becomes a nation of the unrepresented.  Congress should demand prompt and complete revelation of departmental records.  The People want the truth.  The only pursuers of the truth seem to be outside the “system”, Judicial Watch and Julian Assange.

The government of “checks and balances” has become one of selective representation and lack of accountability.  Federal employees need not answer questions about their duties.  Departments limp in with slow played and partial compliance to any tepid requests for materials.  Calculated, protracted and incomplete responses to requests for the truth have become the product of this administration.  Journalistic inquiry is without a pulse.

Some observers are gravely concerned, but far too many yawn in inexplicable disinterest.

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