Abolishing primate behavior

The American Spectator has an article on sexual misbehavior in the workplace. The results of the mania surrounding sexual harassment and abuse is likely change both the workplace and dating culture, for good and ill. Instead of underlings fearing to offend lascivious bigshots, the bigshots now fear offending underlings. The people working the best jobs must operate on their best behavior – or else. Is that such a bad thing? And what of a dude making a spontaneous pass at a [gal]? Whether he looks like Harvey Weinstein* or Brad Pitt may determine whether the response involves the police or fireworks. Must Gloria Allred chaperone our dates and Antioch College-style consent forms preface each escalation of physical intimacy? Every abolition of the Bad Old World ushers in a [bad] Brave New World. *Whose face, in the immortal words of Weekend Update, looks like chewed bubblegum rolled in cat hair. NPR interviewed a black female reporter who was one of...(Read Full Post)