An epidemic of misunderstanding Nazis

Anyone who knows me also knows how much I've enjoyed the last year or two here in the United States.  I tell young people to pay attention, because these are historic times that won't reoccur any time soon.  There hasn't been a "world order" shake-up like this since the turn of the twentieth century, when most of the world's monarchies were displaced by republics in a relatively short number of years. Not too many people know their history, so they know nothing about that previous shake-up.  Millennials know even less, because they simply accept whatever answers Google retrieves as the gospel truth.  Revisionist academics seem intent on censoring, altering, and filtering historical facts, patting them into place in an effort to fit the world comfortably to their own agenda. Unfortunately, the truth has a funny way of surfacing all by itself.  It's happening as we speak.  This time, it's with Nazis. I spend my...(Read Full Post)