Can we finally stop calling them moderate Democrats?

It was very late, or very early, depending on your time zone, but the tax bill passed the U.S. Senate.  The final tally was 51-49 with no last-minute surprises. Unfortunately, it was a party-line vote.  Every Democrat voted no – another example that diversity in that party is a word and not much else. So can we finally stop talking about all those Democrats who will work with President Trump because he carried their state by double digits?  Where in the world are those people? What we saw in that vote was two things: 1. The Democrats stick together, no matter what they say back in West Virginia or Montana.  A Democrat in the U.S. Senate is a vote for Senator Schumer. Are you listening, Alabama?  Judge Moore may have his many faults, but a Senator Jones from Alabama will be another Schumer disciple! 2. The red-state Democrats will have a lot of explaining to do, unless the GOP nominates a total loser and gives away Missouri,...(Read Full Post)