Is the Constitution a religious document?

The Constitution of the United States does not even mention God, not even by the term "Creator."  Indeed, Article VI expressly forbids consideration of religious affiliation as a requirement for public office.  It says, "[N]o religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."  Therefore, the Constitution cannot be considered religious in nature, can it? A closer look reveals a different conclusion.  The Framers took great care to avoid creating a sectarian document, which is what Article VI prohibits.  Article VI, instead of inhibiting religious freedom, promotes it by ensuring that anyone of any religion, or even no religion, can hold office.  Article VI, at the time, applied only to the federal government.  Individual state constitutions did, in fact, place requirements limiting public office to members of specific denominations – for example,...(Read Full Post)
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