McCain a 'yes' on tax reform, but obstacles remain

In a surprise announcement, Senator John McCain said he would vote for the Republican-sponsored tax bill in the Senate.  McCain's announcement was a surprise because of his animosity shown toward Donald Trump and his history of opposing other tax reform legislation, specifically the Bush tax cuts. Business Insider: "After careful thought and consideration, I have decided to support the Senate tax reform bill," McCain said in a statement. "I believe this legislation, though far from perfect, would enhance American competitiveness, boost the economy, and provide long-overdue tax relief for middle-class families." Stocks surged on Thursday amid developments surrounding the tax bill, called the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The Dow climbed by over 350 points at one point in the afternoon, while the Nasdaq jumped more than 60. McCain's support was considered a toss-up because he voted against tax cuts under President George W. Bush...(Read Full Post)
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