Steve Bannon, friend of Israel

Former Trump aide Steve Bannon gave the keynote speech at the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) dinner, November 12, in New York City.  The event was covered by the Times of Israel and a publication called the Jewish Voice, but not by any of the usual major media suspects.  But then, covering a Steve Bannon speech to a Zionist organization likely would be inconvenient to a media that has smeared Bannon as anti-Semitic.  Another VIP at this dinner was another former White House aide Dr. Sebastian Gorka, also the target of smears that he is anti-Semitic.  A third former Trump aide was also present: former press secretary Sean Spicer. Other VIPs at this ZOA dinner included former senator Joseph I. Lieberman and Alan Dershowitz, both of whom are eloquent defenders of Israel and spokesmen for civil rights.  Would they have appeared at a dinner featuring anti-Semites? Another VIP at this event was Sen. Tom...(Read Full Post)
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