The lionization of Kamala Harris

The press is extolling California Senator Kamala Harris as the Next Big Thing on the U.S. political scene in assorted reports. They're calling her inevitable and the next Barack Obama. Oh, spare us. The latest and worst version of this Hollywood-grade build-up comes from U.S. News & World Report, in a big piece titled "The Inevitability of Kamala Harris," carrying faint echos of the progressive claims of the "inevitability" of their version of "progress." She may well be the person the Democrats pick as their nominee for president, but she's hardly a shoe-in for the presidency, particularly in the age of Trump. She's billed as someone young and fresh in a party dominated by gerontocrats, but her act is actually pretty old. What does she offer for starters? She's a woman. And she's black. "With an Indian mother and a Jamaican father, Harris strikes some observers as a California version of Barack...(Read Full Post)