Trump and Ted tackle Texas

Monday, October 22, 2018, I attended the phenomenal Trump campaign rally in Houston, Texas.  I arrived in the line around 5 A.M., knowing that 100,000 people had reserved tickets for the 18,000-seat Toyota Center.  After the long wait in line with many Texan Trump-supporters, I was rewarded with an electrifying experience I will never forget.

Everyone I met in our long wait was praising Trump and Ted Cruz, hoping for our country to turn back to the Constitution and the American dream.  People were holding hands and praying for President Trump and other candidates throughout our long wait.  Everyone I met was friendly, sharing food and drinks, offering folding chairs for others to sit on and even blankets and jackets to keep others warm.

A Texas man had made a Trump-themed float, with a sound system, a motorcycle, flags, and lights to entertain us as we waited.  People danced to the oldies and received free "Trump 2020" bumper stickers. Children led us in the Pledge of Allegiance, and we sang the Star-Spangled Banner with our hands over our hearts.  Throughout the morning we had music and news on a huge screen on the Toyota Center.  News crews infiltrated the ranks, and various news helicopters hovered above.  Local and state police crews made rounds around the perimeter and were cheered when they passed by.  The patriots appreciated the blue and know that their presence thwarted opposing protesters from gaining critical mass.

People of all races, ethnic groups, and religions made friends, shared stories, and helped one another pass the time.  We were unified in our love for Trump and what he is doing for our country.  It was amazing to be a part of this loving and patriotic group of Trump supporters.

The rally began with a powerful prayer by Houston pastor Ed Young.  A police officer led the Pledge of Allegiance and the Texas Pledge.  The crowd joined in robust accompaniment.  A trio of patriotically red-and-white-dressed ladies sang the anthem.

Governor Greg Abbott inspired us and gave a powerful talk about immigration and the great Texas economy.  We learned that Texas has a larger economy than Russia, so Governor Abbott explained how he is more powerful that Russia's President Putin.  He told us he had ordered the Texas National Guard to the border to stop the illegal invasion from the south.

Senator John Cornyn spoke of his dealings since Trump as well as his partnership with Ted Cruz and Ted's accomplishments.  Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick also gave a rousing campaign speech, revealing how he asked Trump to help with the blistering outsider money bombs funding the Beto campaign to buy the Senate seat.  Laura and husband Eric Trump gave a well documented summary of Trump accomplishments, bringing the crowd excitement level steadily higher.  Katrina Pierson and Brad Paschal updated the Trump 2020 message and focus on promises made and promises kept and emphasized how much more is possible with six more years and a pro-Trump congress.

Ted Cruz was all fired up, with the crowd shouting and applauding his clear and honest Texas values and campaign points, destroying Beto O'Rourke's open borders and higher taxes platform.  Cruz was fighting for Texans, and the crowd clearly agreed with the values Cruz endorsed: "Build the wall, stop illegal immigration," cut taxes, save the unborn, keep our Second Amendment gun rights, and protect freedom of speech and religion.  Cheers and applause were almost deafening throughout his speech.

Trump finally took the stage, and the crowd went wild!  All the wait and effort were worth it to be in the middle of this movement that is known as the "Trump Phenomenon."  No other rally I have attended has come close to the power and unity I felt at the Trump rally.  Young women around me were shouting, "I love you, Trump."  Cheers were ear-piercing, and I had to cover my ears at times.

Mesmerizing and charismatic describes Donald Trump.  His speech was similar to ones I have heard on television, including his finger-pointing and criticism of fake news.

Physically being present at a Trump rally was an experience I will always remember and cherish, because President Trump is having a truly historical impact on America.  His tireless work to campaign with and for his past rivals is getting America to win again.  What President Trump is doing for our country is having major impacts, and the people know it.  Texans of all races were united in their hope for America and love for our president.

Thank you, President Trump, and God bless America.

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