Washington State's ridiculous 'vote boxes' degrade the franchise for everyone

Here we are, a couple of weeks away from the volatile and highly anticipated midterm elections.  In the past two years, we have seen continuous kabuki, farce, and debacle from Democrats pulling nasty, immoral shenanigans against the American public.  When they attack our duly elected officials and the Constitution, they are personally attacking you for your measured and thoughtful choices.

Their most egregious trick may yet occur when the next band of illegals arrives at our southern border.  Will the Democratic Party's tainted ethos arrange for these people to acquire motor voter cards along with food stamps and housing vouchers?  Americans are convinced that the Democrats are behind those male-populated mobs marching northward, just as they were during President Obama's blatant emigrant invitation in 2014, when the emigrant trains traveled through Central America to our borders.  Does anyone know how many were allowed in?  Will the new wave be here in time for the midterms?  God help us.

In 2016, I described how the voting system in the State of Washington works.  This is an update on how your vote is delivered to the central "voting machine" in states that use mail-in ballots, as many of the west-coast states do, and especially in Washington State.

But first let us harken back to the day when Americans took their responsibilities as voters seriously – when you physically went to a polling place, showed an ID, and signed the register to vote.  You will remember going into the voting booth to punch out the chads or fill in the bubbles with a dark pencil.  Never done this?  That's a distinct possibility.  The State of Washington has had mail-in ballots and voter fraud for at least ten years.  (Revisit Dino Rossi's bid for governor in 2004.)  It doesn't look as if it will improve much in the future.  In this day of "make it easy for me," things have deteriorated, and it is no surprise that voter fraud is on the rise.  People are not taking their right to participate in our government and society as seriously as they should.  To allow non-citizens to vote dooms our great society and our freedom.

Nowadays in Washington,  instead of heading to a local school, church, or public hall to cast your sacred vote, all you need to do is drop your mail-in ballot in a big metal box (not a USPS mailbox), painted blue and white, with various languages plastered across the front.

These unmanned boxes are located all over my county.  This might be all right if someone was watching the box, or, at the very least, monitored security cameras were trained on them.  But no – local boxes are conveniently located in a deserted parking lot of a high school or in front of the local library.  Sure, the parking lot is busy when the students, faculty, and patrons are there, but these boxes are generally unprotected and available 24/7.  Convenience seems to be the State of Washington's watchword these days.  There is a website where you can locate your local 24-hour drop box by ZIP code or on a map.  Is this any way to run a serious election?  I leave it to you.

Far be it for me to give anyone ideas, but what might happen to these unsecured, heavy metal boxes if someone had the motivation?  They are equipped with forklift slots.

Scenario # 1: A dishonest party might arrive with the proper equipment to move the box to a location where votes could be tampered with in the dead of night.  A lightweight wire-cutter will do the trick on the laughable "security" lock.

Scenario #2: Some nitwit shows up in the middle of the night and slips a flaming match and accelerant into the slot.

Scenario #3: Come on, gang!  Let's stuff the ballot box with the fake ballots some genius has counterfeited.  How hard could it be with the printing services available these days?

What other scenarios can you dream up?
Based on the lax attitude taken by most secretary of states' offices in the past, it is time for citizens to stand up and say "no more."  Our rights have been corrupted to meet the needs of an unethical, lazy, and privileged society, whose members believe that anyone and everyone should be able to vote.  It would be better if we went back to allowing only those people who own property – i.e., a house, business, or land – to vote.  Bring in your property tax receipts or business license, and you are allowed.  If not, you may as well stay home along with the grumpy Millennials who think freedom is free.

Image: Tom Arthur via Wikimedia Commons.

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