A new year needs a new renaissance...against Islam and leftism

Since 9/11, Muslim migration to the USA has increased at a time when the political orthodoxy of welfare socialism, identity politics, government by administrative fiat, and corruption of the constitutional rule of law have weakened the body politic.  In this debilitated environment, Islamic centers have proliferated like mushrooms on a rotted tree trunk, along with the continual splintering of the weakened trunk into "victim" categories that give cover to the Left's greed for political control.  This, despite the last-ditch emergency attention of the Trump presidency and the anger of those who put him in the White House.

Islam retains domination over its people through religious education from an early age.  It resists integration into Western culture and demands the right to retain its despotic Sharia law.  Further, it has a mandate from its prophet to convert, subdue, and out-populate the infidel and is therefore a destabilizing force inside Western civil society.  But it is not the only one.  Islam is licensed by the "Progressive" Left, which is resolved to finalize its mastery over the State, having already "marched through the institutions" (and debauched them along the way).  If Islam and the Left are not attacked head on, the future of individual freedom will be diminished to the latitude of a dog on a leash.

Although Islam is an anachronism and the "Progressive" Left is a postmodern offshoot of Marxism and French Critical Theory, they share the same attitude toward knowledge.  Their orthodoxies are both fixed, settled, and closed to intellectual contest.  There is no neutral forum where debate can occur.  Any criticism of Islam is branded as "Islamophobia."  Any assault on the Left elicits the charge of "right-wing Nazi."

Enough is enough.  Western culture was built on the struggle for knowledge.  Our brave forebears lost their lives in pursuit of it.  If Islam and Western academia are closed systems, then let's jettison them and build new centers of learning and inquiry.  The Left's fake "scholarship" and Islam's antediluvian dogmas are abhorrent.  Both Islam and the Left refuse to practice respect for the dignity of every individual.  We have had unprecedented outbursts of antisemitism, hate crimes, terrorist attacks, Antifa violence, and massive political corruption.  

Harmonious human relations have been compromised.  The family unit is under attack.  Our national history has been shredded, while the histories of Muslims and every other ethnic group are privileged.  Let's have a conversation about slavery in the USA and slavery (still ongoing) in Muslims cultures, shall we?  Let's study comparative history and evaluate which culture has provided the most fertile ground for human development, shall we?  Let's throw out the Marxist Cuckooland tales that masquerade as history and shrink the cognitive development of our children, who are indoctrinated, day after day, in the "progressive" classroom.  In some Western universities, indigenous knowledge is fashionably given equal respect with Western science.  Magical thinking has made a comeback!  The traditional concept of "validity" is forsaken, along with the laws of evidence.

And what has happened to art since the Marxists triumphed?  Where is the modern equivalent of Rembrandt's spiritual depth?  A sick society produces sick art!  The destruction of Judeo-Christian-Hellenic values has been more effective than environmental pollution (of which the Left is so enamored) in contaminating the health of the community.  Churches have succumbed to this degradation and put a fraudulent, sentimental gloss on the Left's program, while, like harlots, they accept government money for bringing in Islam — the archenemy of Christianity.  (How convenient for the Left!)

Yet the human mind is a creative phenomenon without horizon (apart from its structural limits).  No one can stop us thinking or seeking knowledge beyond the prejudice and creeds fixated in those who despise us.  Our challenge is to employ knowledge for the communal good.  Regressive Islam manipulates its religion to enforce submission.  The "Progressive" Left exploits the doctrines of sociology to frivolously recalibrate human nature and socially engineer an ill conceived virtual reality.  But life is not a computer game, though so many of our children have already been persuaded to give that fallacy credence.

The mind seeks knowledge as the body seeks food.  The soul longs to revere the sacred, not sneering at God as the Left, nor fearing an Islamic god that demands unquestioning obedience.  The heart desires peace between neighbors in a shared history, not being forced to swallow others' indigestible values that stick in our gullet like fishhooks.  Islam and the Left, far from being conducive to these fundamental necessities for a good life, deliberately sabotage them.  They have zero to contribute to our future.  But perhaps we need to thank the Muslims and the leftists for spurring a moral and intellectual renaissance.

Since 9/11, Muslim migration to the USA has increased at a time when the political orthodoxy of welfare socialism, identity politics, government by administrative fiat, and corruption of the constitutional rule of law have weakened the body politic.  In this debilitated environment, Islamic centers have proliferated like mushrooms on a rotted tree trunk, along with the continual splintering of the weakened trunk into "victim" categories that give cover to the Left's greed for political control.  This, despite the last-ditch emergency attention of the Trump presidency and the anger of those who put him in the White House.

Islam retains domination over its people through religious education from an early age.  It resists integration into Western culture and demands the right to retain its despotic Sharia law.  Further, it has a mandate from its prophet to convert, subdue, and out-populate the infidel and is therefore a destabilizing force inside Western civil society.  But it is not the only one.  Islam is licensed by the "Progressive" Left, which is resolved to finalize its mastery over the State, having already "marched through the institutions" (and debauched them along the way).  If Islam and the Left are not attacked head on, the future of individual freedom will be diminished to the latitude of a dog on a leash.

Although Islam is an anachronism and the "Progressive" Left is a postmodern offshoot of Marxism and French Critical Theory, they share the same attitude toward knowledge.  Their orthodoxies are both fixed, settled, and closed to intellectual contest.  There is no neutral forum where debate can occur.  Any criticism of Islam is branded as "Islamophobia."  Any assault on the Left elicits the charge of "right-wing Nazi."

Enough is enough.  Western culture was built on the struggle for knowledge.  Our brave forebears lost their lives in pursuit of it.  If Islam and Western academia are closed systems, then let's jettison them and build new centers of learning and inquiry.  The Left's fake "scholarship" and Islam's antediluvian dogmas are abhorrent.  Both Islam and the Left refuse to practice respect for the dignity of every individual.  We have had unprecedented outbursts of antisemitism, hate crimes, terrorist attacks, Antifa violence, and massive political corruption.  

Harmonious human relations have been compromised.  The family unit is under attack.  Our national history has been shredded, while the histories of Muslims and every other ethnic group are privileged.  Let's have a conversation about slavery in the USA and slavery (still ongoing) in Muslims cultures, shall we?  Let's study comparative history and evaluate which culture has provided the most fertile ground for human development, shall we?  Let's throw out the Marxist Cuckooland tales that masquerade as history and shrink the cognitive development of our children, who are indoctrinated, day after day, in the "progressive" classroom.  In some Western universities, indigenous knowledge is fashionably given equal respect with Western science.  Magical thinking has made a comeback!  The traditional concept of "validity" is forsaken, along with the laws of evidence.

And what has happened to art since the Marxists triumphed?  Where is the modern equivalent of Rembrandt's spiritual depth?  A sick society produces sick art!  The destruction of Judeo-Christian-Hellenic values has been more effective than environmental pollution (of which the Left is so enamored) in contaminating the health of the community.  Churches have succumbed to this degradation and put a fraudulent, sentimental gloss on the Left's program, while, like harlots, they accept government money for bringing in Islam — the archenemy of Christianity.  (How convenient for the Left!)

Yet the human mind is a creative phenomenon without horizon (apart from its structural limits).  No one can stop us thinking or seeking knowledge beyond the prejudice and creeds fixated in those who despise us.  Our challenge is to employ knowledge for the communal good.  Regressive Islam manipulates its religion to enforce submission.  The "Progressive" Left exploits the doctrines of sociology to frivolously recalibrate human nature and socially engineer an ill conceived virtual reality.  But life is not a computer game, though so many of our children have already been persuaded to give that fallacy credence.

The mind seeks knowledge as the body seeks food.  The soul longs to revere the sacred, not sneering at God as the Left, nor fearing an Islamic god that demands unquestioning obedience.  The heart desires peace between neighbors in a shared history, not being forced to swallow others' indigestible values that stick in our gullet like fishhooks.  Islam and the Left, far from being conducive to these fundamental necessities for a good life, deliberately sabotage them.  They have zero to contribute to our future.  But perhaps we need to thank the Muslims and the leftists for spurring a moral and intellectual renaissance.