A new year needs a new renaissance...against Islam and leftism

Since 9/11, Muslim migration to the USA has increased at a time when the political orthodoxy of welfare socialism, identity politics, government by administrative fiat, and corruption of the constitutional rule of law have weakened the body politic.  In this debilitated environment, Islamic centers have proliferated like mushrooms on a rotted tree trunk, along with the continual splintering of the weakened trunk into "victim" categories that give cover to the Left's greed for political control.  This, despite the last-ditch emergency attention of the Trump presidency and the anger of those who put him in the White House. Islam retains domination over its people through religious education from an early age.  It resists integration into Western culture and demands the right to retain its despotic Sharia law.  Further, it has a mandate from its prophet to convert, subdue, and out-populate the infidel and is therefore a...(Read Full Post)
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