Yes, Joe Biden really is that dumb

It's hard to believe that Joe Biden can be so many things all at one time.  He is the acknowledged leader on the clown tour in stupid utterances.  He's the leader in denying that one of his relatives is a crook.  And now he has taken what appears to be an insurmountable lead in driving away votes from whoever the Democratic candidate may be. This is a report from my little corner of the world in Southwest Pennsylvania, where the Republican Party would like to make Joe Biden our Republican Campaigner of the Year.  How so, you may ask? This small part of the state is the second largest gas-producing region in the nation.  Pennsylvania is also the third largest coal-producing state in the nation and much of that coal is mined in this region.  The economy of Southwest Pennsylvania is heavily dependent on fossil fuels and its related supply chain.  Washington County, where much of this mining and drilling...(Read Full Post)
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