2020 GOP resolution: Fixing the Republican-controlled Senate

If the first three years of the Trump presidency has taught conservatives anything, it's that the Republican majority in the Senate is, in many cases, a majority-in-name-only.  While the Senate has confirmed a significant number of the Judiciary Committee's vetted conservative judges, which is critically important and shouldn't be understated, the GOP-controlled Senate has also struggled to produce any legislative achievements.  It hasn't been able to move any immigration legislation and couldn't even agree to an Obamacare repeal measure despite campaigning against the health care measure for a full decade. The conservative grassroots is angry, and rightfully so.  People want to see Washington work for the people, not the other way around.  That's why it's so important for conservative leaders across to get on the same page and embrace the same new year's resolution: transforming the GOP majority into a MAGA...(Read Full Post)
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