A knife at a gunfight? Disarm the House Democrats

The strategy the House impeachment managers are employing as they "make their case," has become apparent, and if not countered, Republicans may win the battle but lose the war. The Laurel & Hardy of the House (Adam Schiff and Jerrold Nadler, assuming that the original comedy duo were hopelessly corrupt and wholly untethered to honesty) tell us of the existence of "overwhelming evidence" for crimes like bribery, extortion, and various solicitations of felonious behavior (and more!), proceeding to characterize the ordinary conduct of the president's constitutional prerogatives as proof of their allegations. We hear them breathlessly describe all manner of malfeasance, all attributable to the horrible Orange Man who stole Hillary's birthright in 2016 with a crushing electoral win, but what have we not heard? We have heard next to nothing about the actual articles of impeachment, the supposed abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The...(Read Full Post)
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