Another atrocious ego from the mainstream press

The public despises the mainstream media for a lot of reasons, most typically for left-leaning bias in their reporting.  They slant stories, omit stories or critical details, skip fairness, and act as public relations agents to just one side of the story. But there is also the actual personal behavior of certain journalists that discredits the entire profession. Think of Jim Acosta with his "Dear Diary"–style whinings about how President Trump won't call on him and nobody buys his book. Think of that sleazy little troll at Bloomberg Law who patrolled the comments sections of personal social media sites in a bid to twist the words and destroy the life of an innocent Trump official at the Department of Labor.  Remember Ben Penn? Think of David Leavitt, who used his blue-check power to doxx a Target employee who refused to sell him an $89.99 toothbrush for one cent, based on his own misreading of an inventory display...(Read Full Post)
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