Banned in Aspen: Newspaper chain fires its only conservative

Orchestrated media bias extends all the way down to small-town newspapers owned by big-time media companies.  Consider the Aspen Times and its parent, Swift Communications. That lefty little newspaper in this lefty little resort town started publishing my conservative columns seven years ago, back when Donald Trump was known as a blustery reality TV host. My columns sometimes went to the top of the newspaper's trending list, generating more clicks than frontpage news. They invariably produced more comments and letters to the editor than all the other columns combined.  Most were positive. I usually dealt with national political issues, where I often but not always criticized the clown car of Democratic presidential candidates while siding with Trump's policies if not his personality.  My stuff contrasted with the mindless and unread Trump-bashing of the other half-dozen columnists. My columns also covered touchy local issues such as...(Read Full Post)
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