BoJo contemplates fulfilling a dream dear to half of Britain

We already know that Prime Minister Boris Johnson, AKA BoJo, is promising British citizens a hard Brexit in 2020.  That's the primary wish he'll fulfill for voters anxious to return to a sovereign Britain, one that's no longer a vassal of the micromanaging European Union. But there's another dream dear to the hearts of well over 50% of British citizens.  They want relief from the £154.50 ($202.14) they're required to pay the British government annually for the privilege of owning a television set. The fee is used to pay for the BBC, a station that has lost all of its former cachet, whether as a purveyor of highbrow fare to the masses or as the innovative station that introduced the world to Monty Python.  The BBC is now just a reliable outlet for hard-left worldviews on every subject. According to a YouGov poll, only 27% of people in Britain want to maintain the status quo.  The largest number — 50%...(Read Full Post)
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