Gooood Times: California's homeless industrial complex is rolling in the dough

As homelessness proliferates in California while declining everywhere else, someone out in California, Michelle Mears at the California Globe, has decided to do what reporters (used to) do: she followed the money.  What she found was the kind of thing you find when you turn over a rock. The homeless crisis appears to be manufactured for groups and people to profit through social programs and government positions. Those claiming to be able to fix the crisis continue to hold their hands out for state and federal funds — placing their value on how much public funding they can raise and spread around to campaign donors instead of results. She calls it "a strain for the average California resident but a booming business for others" and names some of the richest profiteers: What do disgraced congresswoman Katie Hill, Los Angeles Councilman Mike Bonin, the non-profit PATH developer Thomas Safran, and Executive Director Peter Lynn...(Read Full Post)
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