Democrats are the squeakiest wheels that ever squeaked

I had a high school friend who knew how to get what she wanted.  When things did not go according to plan, she would whine and complain relentlessly until the object of her petulance surrendered.  Her favorite saying was "The squeaky wheel gets the grease."  In other words, the more you complain, the more likely you are to get what you want.  Liberals today have replaced the squeaky wheel with a deafening, never-ending rant about all things related to Donald Trump.  They lie in wait for any action or comment he makes and then, with little to no regard for real facts or details, race to see who can come up with the most offensive and outrageous commentary.  There is no question about what they want: Trump's removal.  When Democrats are not bellyaching about removing him from office, they whine about the president's fitness for the job by calling him a liar and even questioning his mental...(Read Full Post)
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