Democrats move to crush small business

Democrats may be obsessed with impeachment, but they're still finding time to advance a left-wing agenda.  That should terrify all Americans. At its core, the Democratic Party remains the party of high taxes and burdensome regulations, and one deeply critical of America's free-market economy.  Not only is our economy the most powerful in the history of the world, but it is also reaching new heights under President Trump.  The unemployment rate remains below four percent, while consumer spending is near an all-time high. When even Vox calls the economy "strong," you know there isn't much to complain about. Yet the Democratic platform would only weaken it, punishing employers and employees while ballooning the size of government. Rep. John Larson (D-Conn.) recently introduced the Secure 2100 Act, which would subject all income above $250,000 to the Social Security payroll tax.  In...(Read Full Post)
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