Dems unhappy: Iran is not following the script

I have previously posited the premise that individualism, our greatest virtue, is our biggest tactical weakness.

As a top-down, command and control ideology, when the Left's, ahem, thought leaders establish a path forward, they communicate marching orders to their lieutenants, who communicate marching orders to their foot soldiers.  Everyone, including (and especially) their propagandists, follow the prescribed script.

This has generally served the Left, as leftists have been able to direct the actions of all involved — their politicians, their activists, and most importantly their propagandists.  Tactically, this has worked well to a point.  The problem with scripting disparate actors is that future circumstances have the potential to expose bad writing and, more importantly, equally bad tactics.  The recent Iranian melodrama did not go according to script.  Whether Iran committed recent actions at the direction of some unknown Leftist (Soros) is not clear, but as with all lies, more lies are required to keep the initial lie afloat.  As Goebbels asserted;

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.

As with many recent leftist-initiated scripts (Russia, Stormy Daniels, Ukraine, etc.), Donald Trump is a constant wrench in the gears of scripted fiction.

With Russia collusion and Ukrainian quid pro quo narratives dwindling, along with a booming economic recovery, the Left, bereft of any actual policy prescriptions, must produce a show-stopping blockbuster in order to salvage what appears to be a disastrous election in November.  Egging the president into war could have unsettled a segment of the populace, weary of war.  As scripted events played out, the president commissioned his own rewrite.  What could have been Donald Trump's Benghazi turned into a yuge win for the president and for America.

The Left, so committed to its script, is left trying to convince the American people that their villain (Solomeini) is a hero, and our hero (Donald J. Trump) is a villain.  Sadly for the Left, the American people are watching events play out in real time.

Attempting to control every aspect of economic and foreign affairs trajectories works in movies, as writers and directors can dictate scripts from start to finish.  In life, while one might attempt to set in motion a particular trajectory, and even have disparate actors working to advance a particular ending, other agents of free will can derail the script.  Whatever the endgame was for Iran (and the American Left), Donald Trump blew up the scripted ending and, as a bonus, was one of the star actors.

Make no mistake, though: the Left does not like the real-time script playing out as we approach the 2020 election. As the leftists' propagandists attempt in vain to peddle the lie, in spite of us seeing things the way they are, know this — their writers and directors are closeted in dark, smoke-filled rooms, rewriting their third act.  Nothing — I repeat: nothing — is out of the realm of possibility.

The president, and all of us, should watch his six.

I have previously posited the premise that individualism, our greatest virtue, is our biggest tactical weakness.

As a top-down, command and control ideology, when the Left's, ahem, thought leaders establish a path forward, they communicate marching orders to their lieutenants, who communicate marching orders to their foot soldiers.  Everyone, including (and especially) their propagandists, follow the prescribed script.

This has generally served the Left, as leftists have been able to direct the actions of all involved — their politicians, their activists, and most importantly their propagandists.  Tactically, this has worked well to a point.  The problem with scripting disparate actors is that future circumstances have the potential to expose bad writing and, more importantly, equally bad tactics.  The recent Iranian melodrama did not go according to script.  Whether Iran committed recent actions at the direction of some unknown Leftist (Soros) is not clear, but as with all lies, more lies are required to keep the initial lie afloat.  As Goebbels asserted;

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.

As with many recent leftist-initiated scripts (Russia, Stormy Daniels, Ukraine, etc.), Donald Trump is a constant wrench in the gears of scripted fiction.

With Russia collusion and Ukrainian quid pro quo narratives dwindling, along with a booming economic recovery, the Left, bereft of any actual policy prescriptions, must produce a show-stopping blockbuster in order to salvage what appears to be a disastrous election in November.  Egging the president into war could have unsettled a segment of the populace, weary of war.  As scripted events played out, the president commissioned his own rewrite.  What could have been Donald Trump's Benghazi turned into a yuge win for the president and for America.

The Left, so committed to its script, is left trying to convince the American people that their villain (Solomeini) is a hero, and our hero (Donald J. Trump) is a villain.  Sadly for the Left, the American people are watching events play out in real time.

Attempting to control every aspect of economic and foreign affairs trajectories works in movies, as writers and directors can dictate scripts from start to finish.  In life, while one might attempt to set in motion a particular trajectory, and even have disparate actors working to advance a particular ending, other agents of free will can derail the script.  Whatever the endgame was for Iran (and the American Left), Donald Trump blew up the scripted ending and, as a bonus, was one of the star actors.

Make no mistake, though: the Left does not like the real-time script playing out as we approach the 2020 election. As the leftists' propagandists attempt in vain to peddle the lie, in spite of us seeing things the way they are, know this — their writers and directors are closeted in dark, smoke-filled rooms, rewriting their third act.  Nothing — I repeat: nothing — is out of the realm of possibility.

The president, and all of us, should watch his six.