Dems unhappy: Iran is not following the script

I have previously posited the premise that individualism, our greatest virtue, is our biggest tactical weakness. As a top-down, command and control ideology, when the Left's, ahem, thought leaders establish a path forward, they communicate marching orders to their lieutenants, who communicate marching orders to their foot soldiers.  Everyone, including (and especially) their propagandists, follow the prescribed script. This has generally served the Left, as leftists have been able to direct the actions of all involved — their politicians, their activists, and most importantly their propagandists.  Tactically, this has worked well to a point.  The problem with scripting disparate actors is that future circumstances have the potential to expose bad writing and, more importantly, equally bad tactics.  The recent Iranian melodrama did not go according to script.  Whether Iran committed recent actions at the...(Read Full Post)
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