Forget the Squad. Pelosi is still running the show.

Many wise pundits and political commentators keep saying Nancy Pelosi didn't want to do this (impeachment)...that she's smarter than this, that she was forced into it by the ridiculous, ignorant women who call themselves the Squad.  These same pundits claim that the Squad is now running the Democrat party.  But this does not make any sense, since Pelosi admitted a week or so ago, when asked why she was rushing impeachment, that the Democrats had been at this for twenty-two months! Of course they have, for even longer than that.  As several Democrats have admitted, the plan to impeach began while Trump was still a candidate.  Al Green more recently revealed that "if we don't impeach him, he will be re-elected."  So let there be no misunderstanding, no confusion: the Democrats were horrified by the Trump candidacy and traumatized by his election.  The left is childish and does not accept defeat with...(Read Full Post)
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