Greta's smile

Did you notice Greta Thunberg smiling in her photo op with Prince Charles at the climate hysteria summit in Davos?  Or maybe she was laughing...after all, the Prince of Wales did have a smirk on his face.  Had he told young Greta a joke, perhaps?  I must admit I was shocked — I thought she knew only how to frown or scowl. YouTube screen grab (cropped).   Maybe Charles surprised Greta with a real knee-slapper.  Maybe he told her a joke about how it was such a pleasant surprise to meet her and how he coincidentally happened to be in the same neighborhood after flying 16,000 miles and using three private jets plus a helicopter to get there.  Maybe Bonnie Prince Chuck said something like this: You know, I just consumed the equivalent of a ten-year carbon footprint for an average wanker like that awful climate-denying John Leonard in just a couple of days. Nevertheless, I feel really good about...(Read Full Post)
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