Immigration problems solved!

I read here (Spanish Minister) that a Spanish government official is worried that Spain needs eight or nine million immigrants to keep the country from diving into a demographic tailspin.  The nub of the problem seems to be that Spain has a desperate shortage of more people to tax so they can keep paying for bureaucrats — uh, I mean essential government services.  The conventional wisdom is to bring in African and Middle Eastern migrants by the shipload.  Of course, there is opposition from hateful, ignorant Spanish citizens who whine about the inevitable disappearance of European culture from large swaths of the country.  Rubes!  Nativists!  France and Germany seem to be dealing well enough with it.  Just ask the French and German bureaucrats. What a thorny problem.  Where can Spain get its hands on millions of migrants?  Those bureaucrats must be saved.  Where, oh,...(Read Full Post)
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