In 2020, Democrats again plan to mess with the military

President Obama signed an executive order allowing people who claim to be "transgender" to serve in the military.  President Trump reversed that order.  Just when you thought the issue was over, Democrats are trying to reverse the reversal. Rep. Adam Smith, a Democrat who heads the House Armed Services Committee, announced in an interview with Defense News that the Democrat-majority House intends to take the question of "transgender military service" away from the commander in chief and make it a legislative issue: Smith said that next year he might revisit several provisions excluded from the bill, including those ending a ban on transgender military service; restricting the president's ability to use military funds for a border wall; banning new detainees at the military's Guantanamo Bay detention facility; and banning deployment of a new low-yield nuclear weapon. "I think all of those issues were not...(Read Full Post)
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