Islamist groups making inroads in local politics in America

When Sadia Gul Covert was elected in 2018 and sworn into the office of Dupage County commissioner, she took her oath on the "Quran, Torah, and the Bible," in what seemed at the time like a symbol of unity and moderation. But Covert's decision to cast her lot with the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) raises questions about the extent of her moderation. Covert will be a speaker at the CAIR-Chicago 2020 Banquet fundraiser in February, among other Islamist speakers. CAIR was connected to the terrorist organization Hamas during the terror-financing trial against the Holy Land Foundation (HLF). According to the Justice Department report published in 2009, "HLF became the chief fundraising arm for the Palestine Committee in the U.S. created by the Muslim Brotherhood to support Hamas." In 2010, former assistant attorney general Ronald Weich sent a letter to four members of Congress in which he "included trial transcripts and...(Read Full Post)
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