It's official: No room for pro-life Democrats

Over the weekend, Mayor Pete Buttigieg made it official or confirmed that the party has no room for pro-life Democrats.  This is from Fox News: A pro-life Democrat named Kristen Day asked Buttigieg whether he wanted the support of "people like me" during the forum moderated by Fox News' Chris Wallace — and pressed the mayor over whether he would support a change in the Democrats' platform to emphasize that it is a "big tent" party and welcomes pro-life members. He would not commit to such a move. "I'm not going to try to earn your vote by tricking you. I am pro-choice, and I believe that a woman ought to be able to make that decision," Buttigieg said to applause from the rest of the audience.  "The best I can offer is that if we can't agree on where to draw the line, the next best thing we can do is agree on who should draw the line, and in my view, it's...(Read Full Post)
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