Killing terrorists is how you...kill off terrorism

According to most journalists, Hollywood, and other Democrats, the only thing a terrorist-sponsoring country like Iran must do to keep terrorists from being targeted is to give them a big title and put them on their payroll. Somehow, that makes the world safer than killing them.

Then these terrorists can roam the world working with other terrorist groups to plan and execute attacks. If a leader of any country decides that these terrorists should be killed, they will be said to have escalated tensions. If that sounds ignorant, it is.

The world is clearly safer if known terrorist leaders are killed and funds are cut off. It is never safer to leave terrorists, killers, gang members, cartels and rapists roaming the streets over removing them from society. 

What makes the world much more dangerous is when leaders in America and Europe shower the most dangerous terrorism-sponsoring country, Iran, which continues to pledge death to America and death to Israel, with huge amounts of money and then pretends that that will be good. Most journalists cheered this pure ignorance. 

It is also extremely dangerous when leaders in America have been so stupid they sold uranium assets in the U.S to Russia which, of course, the Russians will use themselves and maybe sell to dangerous countries like North Korea and Iran. It sure helps Russia when Iran has more money to purchase their weapons and uranium. But Democrats will act surprised that these dangerous countries are working on nuclear weapons. Most of the media won't care about selling uranium to Russia as they pretend that Obama/Biden were tough on Russia and continue to perpetuate the lie that Trump is a puppet of Russia. 

Thank goodness we have a president who understands that the way to reduce terrorism is to cut off the funding and take out the terrorists themselves instead of leave them to maim and kill at will, including Americans. 

Most of the media make the world much more dangerous as they cheer for whatever Democrats say and seek to destroy Trump no matter how much good he does to strengthen and protect Americans. 

So, if the American people want to enrich tyrants, protect terrorists, move towards socialism, have more people dependent on government, reduce freedom of choice on health care, schools and energy, refuse to enforce immigration laws, kill fully developed babies up to and beyond birth, and reduce girls’ and womens' privacy by having men and boys expose themselves in locker rooms and restrooms, they should take the advice of most journalists and elect Democrats. If they want freedom, prosperity, capitalism, enforcement of immigration laws, more opportunity to move up the economic ladder for everyone, and a president who is willing to kill terrorists who maim and kill people around the world, they should vote for Trump.

The choice is easy.

According to most journalists, Hollywood, and other Democrats, the only thing a terrorist-sponsoring country like Iran must do to keep terrorists from being targeted is to give them a big title and put them on their payroll. Somehow, that makes the world safer than killing them.

Then these terrorists can roam the world working with other terrorist groups to plan and execute attacks. If a leader of any country decides that these terrorists should be killed, they will be said to have escalated tensions. If that sounds ignorant, it is.

The world is clearly safer if known terrorist leaders are killed and funds are cut off. It is never safer to leave terrorists, killers, gang members, cartels and rapists roaming the streets over removing them from society. 

What makes the world much more dangerous is when leaders in America and Europe shower the most dangerous terrorism-sponsoring country, Iran, which continues to pledge death to America and death to Israel, with huge amounts of money and then pretends that that will be good. Most journalists cheered this pure ignorance. 

It is also extremely dangerous when leaders in America have been so stupid they sold uranium assets in the U.S to Russia which, of course, the Russians will use themselves and maybe sell to dangerous countries like North Korea and Iran. It sure helps Russia when Iran has more money to purchase their weapons and uranium. But Democrats will act surprised that these dangerous countries are working on nuclear weapons. Most of the media won't care about selling uranium to Russia as they pretend that Obama/Biden were tough on Russia and continue to perpetuate the lie that Trump is a puppet of Russia. 

Thank goodness we have a president who understands that the way to reduce terrorism is to cut off the funding and take out the terrorists themselves instead of leave them to maim and kill at will, including Americans. 

Most of the media make the world much more dangerous as they cheer for whatever Democrats say and seek to destroy Trump no matter how much good he does to strengthen and protect Americans. 

So, if the American people want to enrich tyrants, protect terrorists, move towards socialism, have more people dependent on government, reduce freedom of choice on health care, schools and energy, refuse to enforce immigration laws, kill fully developed babies up to and beyond birth, and reduce girls’ and womens' privacy by having men and boys expose themselves in locker rooms and restrooms, they should take the advice of most journalists and elect Democrats. If they want freedom, prosperity, capitalism, enforcement of immigration laws, more opportunity to move up the economic ladder for everyone, and a president who is willing to kill terrorists who maim and kill people around the world, they should vote for Trump.

The choice is easy.