Killing terrorists is how you...kill off terrorism

According to most journalists, Hollywood, and other Democrats, the only thing a terrorist-sponsoring country like Iran must do to keep terrorists from being targeted is to give them a big title and put them on their payroll. Somehow, that makes the world safer than killing them. Then these terrorists can roam the world working with other terrorist groups to plan and execute attacks. If a leader of any country decides that these terrorists should be killed, they will be said to have escalated tensions. If that sounds ignorant, it is. The world is clearly safer if known terrorist leaders are killed and funds are cut off. It is never safer to leave terrorists, killers, gang members, cartels and rapists roaming the streets over removing them from society.  What makes the world much more dangerous is when leaders in America and Europe shower the most dangerous terrorism-sponsoring country, Iran, which continues to pledge death to America and death to...(Read Full Post)
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